Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Ferry Corsten @ QBH

Friday 19 November 2004: Lavish

Well this place is beginning to be the next 'hang out' joint for us. Looks like we're all finally over Next Blue and since loft has finished on Fridays, Lavish it is! It's not a bad place, we like it because there's the outside area, so it's not so smokey. Besides which the chicks there aren't too bad! :p I must say though (and my girl friends back me up on this) that the guys are more sleazier and bolder there :p Sam saw one girl reject like 8 guys, so didn't even bother trying!

All in all not too shabby a night!

Saturday 20 November 2004: Ferry Corsten @ QBH

Turned up at Flinders St Station on 11.30pm exactly as requested by Ivan, got a sms from him saying he would be late... apparently that's 'typical' of him! :p Here's a picture of the crew (zul's friend was MIA), courtesy of Ivan's camera:

The crew: Me, Jenn, Jian, Alli, Ivan and Zul Posted by Hello

Anyways in my honest opinion it wasn't the best music, but it was music nonetheless. Wasn't too impressed or awed by most of the stuff that was played, but hey, I still danced! Ferry Corsten was quite good, but not hard enough for me, I think at one stage I had a quick nap until something jabbed my arse and I woke up, looked left, saw Ivan... Anyways, as the others have said on their blog the 'highlight' of the night for most people was Ferry Corsten playing Punk and Rock Your Body. Jian's highlight was spotting the lau poh and taking a photo with her! (check Ivan's site)

It's been a while since I have exited a club in daylight. I felt like a vampire when we opened the doors to the 'outside'. Jenn, Jian, Alli, Ivan and myself headed to Golden Towers for breakfast - good stuff.

Thanks to the crew - you were the ones that made the night :p

A quote to finish up:
Ivan: Wah, can you imagine wearing phat pants at 27???
Sunday 21 November 2004: Yum Cha @ Royal Garden

Having had breakfast after Ferry Corsten, I drove home and almost subsequently fell asleep whilst driving. Crossing lanes is not a good idea. I pulled over into a church carpark, locked the doors, reclined the seat all the way back, and powernapped! I had mentioned earlier at QBH that I wouldn't be attending church... well I sorta did!

An hour later I 'woke' up to a full carpark! Made it home for a quick shower before I was off for Yum Cha at Royal Garden with Andrew, Sam, Shaun, Susan, Linda and Sandra. Ahhh, what is it that is so satisfying about yum cha? the greasy, oily food? the atmosphere? the cheapness of it? the sharing of the food? the mindless chatter of friends?

As if that wasn't enough we headed off to our usual chill hang out place in Glen Waverley, EG. Usually banana splits, but today we were satisfied with iced peach teas. Rehydrate!

And that's it for another weekend :( Till next time!

r4v3r raved till dawn at 4:42 PM


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r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

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Name: Richard Fong
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Born: Kuching, Malaysia
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