Saturday, October 30, 2004

What a wonderful world...

Busy busy busy... Long post now!

Thursday 28 October 2004: F4, PHD
Decided to go to PHD and tried to convince Ivan to go, but alas common sense and logic prevailed! ;) Went to F4 before the PHD as we got to the city way early. It's been a while since I've been there. Managed to have a quick word with Domique who owns the place. My friends and I used to go there all the time last year. It's a nice place...except for the DAMN STEPS! Anybody who has ever been there will know what I mean!!! :p

Anyways PHD was good, Otek was great, Soul-T was pumping out some good bass and Ben whatevahislastnameis I didn't like that much - too much building up and not actually ending up anywhere!! Then this "guay-loh" with "ho lun dai bor", like airbags hugged me like 3-4 times whilst trying to talk to me - I was like in shock. My friend who saw it said she would hug me and it would take me about 5 seconds to respond and hug back! Lol, anyways nice crowd.

Friday 29 October 2004: Mark's Birthday, Loft
Attended a seminar in the city, which in other words I slept in the back row, recovering from PHD! Boooooring seminar! Was held at Crown Promenade Hotel, so I just grabbed free pens and mints (which came handy later!)

'Networking' drinks were supposed to start at 4:15 after the last seminar, but I found a friend I hadn't seen for ages and we hit the bar at 3.00!! By the time I met my other friends at 6.00 at the Loft I was "happy"! :p I think we drank non-stop until we were kicked out by security at 10.00!! Here are some quotes:

Me: "Andrew, look! *points at Joanie* Fucking Gayvin's cutting my lunch!!"
Andrew: "kekekeke"

Joanie: "I'm getting married, and I'm going to Japan for my honeymoon"
Sam: "Oh ok, congratulations, let me buy you a drink"
(later on)
Sam: "Wah! Joanie lied to me!"
We ended up at Ha Long for dinner after a couple of the guys visited the curb and toilets for a quick detox session. Why do we always end up there? Guess it's because the owner know us now! I mean we were so drunk that half of us left without paying! We were like $17 short and the owner said, don't worry, pay next time! Lucky we scrapped up enough!

Then on the way out I saw some fellow bloggers, and due to me being blur blur on alcohol, I can only remember some of them! I know Gavin was there, with Lynn? Lola? and another girl? Not wanting to embaress myself I quickly fled! :p Sorry guys... next time!

It's funny how the memory works... I hardly remember anything of last night... but bits and pieces have come back! The only thing that doesn't come back is the money in my wallet... or lack thereof!!!

Anyways, a good night! Too bad I didn't bring my camera!

Saturday 30 October 2004: Jessica's Birthday @ Shark Fin
Well today was a quiet day. It was my neice's birthday and we had dinner at Shark Fin (Burwood Hwy). Happy Birthday Cutiepie!
After that we went to my sisters place for icecream :)

Happy 2nd Birthday Jessica! Posted by Hello

Hmmmm icecream...yummy! Posted by Hello

Awww, how c00t! Jessica was c00t too! ;) Posted by Hello

r4v3r raved till dawn at 9:50 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, i was drunk, but not disorderly. Justin and I were so nice that we got the secret lift exit while you guys braved the dirty steps outside. Mooharhar!

12:21 AM  
Blogger r4v3r said...

Alli:- couldn't agree with you more. I like F4. We got thrown out of Loft for drunk and disorderly very early! 10pm is soooo early... though when you put it in perspective, starting at 3pm to 10pm, that's actually not bad!

3:46 PM  

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r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

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Name: Richard Fong
Horoscope: Cancer
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Born: Kuching, Malaysia
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