Friday, October 22, 2004


Well haven't really had the time to blog - currently moving house! I don't know how many times you have ever moved house, but this is my first. It's amazing how much junk and crap can accumulate over time :p

Tell me, is it an asian thing to horde and collect things that one will probably never ever use in their lifetime? To save and recycle containers, bits and pieces and other things? Lol or is just my parents??

Anyways we're only moving like... less than a 5 minute car ride! We have to get up at 8am (*groan*) when the removal people arrives. My friends are turning up then too - or I hope so... we'll see which one of them is truly my friend ;) hehe.

Moving is not only packing but cleaning as well! Bad news if you suffer from hayfever like I do! Sucking in all that dust - I mean the thought of me even cleaning *shiver* It should be left in the capable hands of females ;) Not just because they are better built for it, but well, it suits them! I know I am going to cop a lot of flak for saying that.... BRING IT ON I say!! I can tahan girls!! :p

Anyways, back to girl duties! ;) muhahahha...

r4v3r raved till dawn at 7:45 PM


Blogger r4v3r said...

hahaha so i'm guessing you're parents are the same :p

I must say tho even i've started to do it as well!!

3:00 PM  
Blogger De.lir.i.ous said...



2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
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10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work! |

10:07 AM  

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r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

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Name: Richard Fong
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Born: Kuching, Malaysia
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