Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Street Rave

Hayden Oberin has organised a street rave for fun!

Quoting from his email to me:
"its not a secret rave. just me and some friends doing some shuffle in the middle of the city :-)

we gona take down some CDs, a speaker and an amp and just shuffle for the fun of it. get some photos and some video.

i only want to invite people who will actualy shuffle and have no problem with performing in the middle of the city and have everyone look at them. i just want happy people who encorage each other and not give shit or me negative. its just a bit of fun with friends who like to dance. just like break dancers go and practice dance together for fun."
If you're interested in participating, want to know more or find out where it will be leave your email in comments.

Hopefully we'll get enough videos and photos to satisfy your thirst for the "Melbourne Shuffle"!

r4v3r raved till dawn at 11:31 PM


Blogger r4v3r said...

Hello Fellow r4v3r5!

Leave your contact details here!
Or if you're afraid of being stalked and harrassed email me:- r4v3r5@hotmail.com

Hope to see some of you there!

11:55 PM  
Blogger xes said...


12:28 AM  
Blogger Gavin said...

eH... gavin.tan@gmail.com

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



12:54 AM  

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r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

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Name: Richard Fong
Horoscope: Cancer
Occupation: Lawyer
Born: Kuching, Malaysia
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Email: r4v3r5@hotmail.com

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September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
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My Raving Clips

Warming up for God's Kitchen
Shuffling in GK Main Room


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    Fellow r4v3r5!

    * Three of Us *
    * Sui Lin *
    * LoLa *
    * Iris *
    * Di.lir'i.us *
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    Rave Links

    * Hard Kandy *
    * Hayden Oberin website *
    * Xes's "Melbourne Shuffle" page *
    * In The Mix *
    * Hardstep *
    * Link *

    Original layout by Yiling. Modified by r4v3r