Monday, October 04, 2004

..::**God's Kitchen**::..

Well what can I say... what everybody else is saying.. it was AwEsOmE!

First off we were so excited we go there waaaay early.. think around 11:00pm! It was lucky we did coz when they started letting people we got stuck in this queue lane (think there were 4 lanes with two entries each) with some powertrippin' security guard who thought it was his kitchen coz he was god, with the power to let people! We were pretty much up the front when suddenly they tells us girls on the left and guys on the right! We squished together like cattle!

Meanwhile me and my friends were watching the other lanes flow. Danny and I ended jumping the queue into another lane which was like express (even though I had a bag) and got in same time as Andrew who was still stuck in the other lane!

Anyways we mainly raved in the Bass Station / Hard Kandy Room. Man that room was small packed and hot... I felt like sardines in a can! More so coz ppl kept rubbing past, leaving their sweat behind :p

John Flemming was good in the GK Main Room, more house than hard. I must say though I have never ever seen so many asians at a rave like this before! Most of the azns were at the back of the Main Room - it was almost like an azn nite! No wonder I couldn't find any of my other friends! ;)

I think the DJ of the 'night' would have to go to Anne Savage - my gawd did she ROCK! Awesome mixes. The Bass Station / Hard Kandy Room was hectic!! Jason Midro is my usual favourite, but gee Anne Savage was wicked!

Enough talking... Here's some pics (got videos as well but no where to upload at the moment). SADLY I didn't take as many pics/videos as I wanted to - was too busy raving and shuffling!!!! :)

Andrew Danny and me pumped and ready to go! Posted by Hello

Andrew and MePosted by Hello

Dan and me with Melbourne Park in background Posted by Hello

GK Main Room Posted by Hello

GK Main Room Posted by Hello

GK Main Room Posted by Hello

GK Main Room Posted by Hello

Hmmmm :) Posted by Hello

Phat raving pants anyone? Posted by Hello

Goddess - DJ Anne Savage in BS/HK Room Posted by Hello

Danny and Me chilling outside Posted by Hello

Dan and Andrew looked drugged!Posted by Hello

r4v3r raved till dawn at 10:31 PM


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r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

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Name: Richard Fong
Horoscope: Cancer
Occupation: Lawyer
Born: Kuching, Malaysia
Location: Melbourne, Australia

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My Raving Clips

Warming up for God's Kitchen
Shuffling in GK Main Room


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