Friday, October 15, 2004

Shuffle with us...

Ok, since Hayden wants to turn it into a rave here are the details :p

We're meeting at 8pm, corner of swanston and bourke - out front of Nike shop. We will then go from there.
If you don't know us or don't know what we look like, you'll probably recognise us - we'll be very visible with our phat pants !! :p

Or if you are too shy, please leave your email/details in comments so that I can send you my mobile no. Also if you need a lift, directions etc I may be able to help out ;)

r4v3r raved till dawn at 1:04 AM


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r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

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Name: Richard Fong
Horoscope: Cancer
Occupation: Lawyer
Born: Kuching, Malaysia
Location: Melbourne, Australia

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September 2004
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My Raving Clips

Warming up for God's Kitchen
Shuffling in GK Main Room


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    * Three of Us *
    * Sui Lin *
    * LoLa *
    * Iris *
    * Di.lir' *
    * Wanna be 'blogged'? *

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    Rave Links

    * Hard Kandy *
    * Hayden Oberin website *
    * Xes's "Melbourne Shuffle" page *
    * In The Mix *
    * Hardstep *
    * Link *

    Original layout by Yiling. Modified by r4v3r