Sunday, October 17, 2004

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle...

I was late getting to the shuffle... or so I thought! I drove down bourke st to swanston st and couldn't see anybody wearing phat pants and I was afraid I was going to be only one! The only person I saw was that weird spaceman doing his thing!

Anyways by the time I found a park and walked down the streets of melbourne in my phat pants, I could hear the sweet sounds of raving music. I followed my ears and found a sizeable crowd had already formed! By the way what is it with the Nike Factory and asians? Almost felt like we were starting up yet another asian nite... this one on the streets!

I thought we were just going to have a few people with their digital cameras taking some vids, but I saw this professional looking camera mounted on a tripod and I almost freaked! :p I think a lot of people did get a bit self-conscious and 'shy' when they saw the camera and the size of the crowd! I know I did! But hey, I promised Hayden I would rave!

Then there were the drunk antics by quite a few people. There were the football players, trying to breakdance - their version was to try and break an arm or leg or tailbone!! Then there was this guy with his blow up doll.... Hayden was 'forced' to dance with it... I have proof...a video of it!!

Didn't end up taking that many photos - coz I was busy raving ;) Didn't want to let Hayden rave by himself (ie take all the glory himself - j/k :p)

Myself and Hayden Posted by Hello

Anyways Hayden has more pictures on his website. Vids coming soon I think!

Met quite a few people who I'd only 'seen' online there as well:-

Mui Ping, Sui Lin, Ivan, Alli, Jace, Gavin - if I have forgotten anybody else just yell at me! :p
edit:- And Jaclyn! How could I forget!! :)

My pleasure to meet you all! Until the next shuffle in da city...

r4v3r raved till dawn at 10:05 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

qqgk *yells*....ahah lol

11:39 PM  
Blogger r4v3r said...

Damn... slap me as well!! How could I forget that c00t girl who was brave enuf to come up to me and talk to da big bad r4v3r? :p

Actually there's a photo of you and me talking! :)

11:57 PM  

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r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

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Name: Richard Fong
Horoscope: Cancer
Occupation: Lawyer
Born: Kuching, Malaysia
Location: Melbourne, Australia

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My Raving Clips

Warming up for God's Kitchen
Shuffling in GK Main Room


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