Monday, February 21, 2005


Yup, yet another late posting :)

11 February 2005: Pharmacy @ Metro
Headed to Pharmacy at Metro and met Brad, Ben and Steven there around 1.00am.
There were more people coming out then there were people going in! Guess we were early :)

Cosmic Gate were good, ASYS was even better. Din like the venue that much, but oh well, a rave is a rave is a rave! Hehe.

Highlight of the night was watching some dude popping a pill in front of a security guard who was on some power trip. Needless to say he got turfed, and his posse accompanied him out. Then some other security guy (way cooler than the power tripper) asked me if that guy was a friend and I said nup. He even told me that the power tripper was a bit of a party pooper, this cool security guard was telling me that everyone takes at raves, so just let it be. hehe.

Anyways I don't care... I'm clean :)

All in all a good night :)

r4v3r raved till dawn at 10:08 PM


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r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

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Name: Richard Fong
Horoscope: Cancer
Occupation: Lawyer
Born: Kuching, Malaysia
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