Saturday, October 30, 2004

What a wonderful world...

Busy busy busy... Long post now!

Thursday 28 October 2004: F4, PHD
Decided to go to PHD and tried to convince Ivan to go, but alas common sense and logic prevailed! ;) Went to F4 before the PHD as we got to the city way early. It's been a while since I've been there. Managed to have a quick word with Domique who owns the place. My friends and I used to go there all the time last year. It's a nice place...except for the DAMN STEPS! Anybody who has ever been there will know what I mean!!! :p

Anyways PHD was good, Otek was great, Soul-T was pumping out some good bass and Ben whatevahislastnameis I didn't like that much - too much building up and not actually ending up anywhere!! Then this "guay-loh" with "ho lun dai bor", like airbags hugged me like 3-4 times whilst trying to talk to me - I was like in shock. My friend who saw it said she would hug me and it would take me about 5 seconds to respond and hug back! Lol, anyways nice crowd.

Friday 29 October 2004: Mark's Birthday, Loft
Attended a seminar in the city, which in other words I slept in the back row, recovering from PHD! Boooooring seminar! Was held at Crown Promenade Hotel, so I just grabbed free pens and mints (which came handy later!)

'Networking' drinks were supposed to start at 4:15 after the last seminar, but I found a friend I hadn't seen for ages and we hit the bar at 3.00!! By the time I met my other friends at 6.00 at the Loft I was "happy"! :p I think we drank non-stop until we were kicked out by security at 10.00!! Here are some quotes:

Me: "Andrew, look! *points at Joanie* Fucking Gayvin's cutting my lunch!!"
Andrew: "kekekeke"

Joanie: "I'm getting married, and I'm going to Japan for my honeymoon"
Sam: "Oh ok, congratulations, let me buy you a drink"
(later on)
Sam: "Wah! Joanie lied to me!"
We ended up at Ha Long for dinner after a couple of the guys visited the curb and toilets for a quick detox session. Why do we always end up there? Guess it's because the owner know us now! I mean we were so drunk that half of us left without paying! We were like $17 short and the owner said, don't worry, pay next time! Lucky we scrapped up enough!

Then on the way out I saw some fellow bloggers, and due to me being blur blur on alcohol, I can only remember some of them! I know Gavin was there, with Lynn? Lola? and another girl? Not wanting to embaress myself I quickly fled! :p Sorry guys... next time!

It's funny how the memory works... I hardly remember anything of last night... but bits and pieces have come back! The only thing that doesn't come back is the money in my wallet... or lack thereof!!!

Anyways, a good night! Too bad I didn't bring my camera!

Saturday 30 October 2004: Jessica's Birthday @ Shark Fin
Well today was a quiet day. It was my neice's birthday and we had dinner at Shark Fin (Burwood Hwy). Happy Birthday Cutiepie!
After that we went to my sisters place for icecream :)

Happy 2nd Birthday Jessica! Posted by Hello

Hmmmm icecream...yummy! Posted by Hello

Awww, how c00t! Jessica was c00t too! ;) Posted by Hello

r4v3r raved till dawn at 9:50 PM 2 comments

Friday, October 22, 2004


Well haven't really had the time to blog - currently moving house! I don't know how many times you have ever moved house, but this is my first. It's amazing how much junk and crap can accumulate over time :p

Tell me, is it an asian thing to horde and collect things that one will probably never ever use in their lifetime? To save and recycle containers, bits and pieces and other things? Lol or is just my parents??

Anyways we're only moving like... less than a 5 minute car ride! We have to get up at 8am (*groan*) when the removal people arrives. My friends are turning up then too - or I hope so... we'll see which one of them is truly my friend ;) hehe.

Moving is not only packing but cleaning as well! Bad news if you suffer from hayfever like I do! Sucking in all that dust - I mean the thought of me even cleaning *shiver* It should be left in the capable hands of females ;) Not just because they are better built for it, but well, it suits them! I know I am going to cop a lot of flak for saying that.... BRING IT ON I say!! I can tahan girls!! :p

Anyways, back to girl duties! ;) muhahahha...

r4v3r raved till dawn at 7:45 PM 5 comments

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Inspirations and motivations...

Well I know a lot of people have assignments and exams coming up so I thought I would try and motivate and inspire you people to study and to keep being happy with quotes and sayings. :)

"I think these difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things one goes around worrying about are of no importance whatsoever."

"I have learned more from my mistakes than from my successes."

"If you have made mistakes... there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down."

"Our great business in life is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand."

"Don't wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel, stride down there... and light the bloody thing yourself."

"To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."

"Life isn't a race. the only thing worth winning is the love and affection of family and friends."

"Dancing makes me happy-the extraordinary and compelling life force that leads everyone to feel free enough to shake their entire being in the prescence of complete strangers"

"The joy of life is discovering that happiness has not been handed down to us on a plate but that we have succeeded in cooking it up for ourselves."

"Botox changes the look but will not remove the reasons for frowning faces. Happiness is the best natural face-lift there is."

If anybody needs more or any help just ask - uhhh no... I cannot sit the exams for you ;)

Wish everybody the best of luck for your exams!

r4v3r raved till dawn at 9:26 PM 0 comments

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle...

I was late getting to the shuffle... or so I thought! I drove down bourke st to swanston st and couldn't see anybody wearing phat pants and I was afraid I was going to be only one! The only person I saw was that weird spaceman doing his thing!

Anyways by the time I found a park and walked down the streets of melbourne in my phat pants, I could hear the sweet sounds of raving music. I followed my ears and found a sizeable crowd had already formed! By the way what is it with the Nike Factory and asians? Almost felt like we were starting up yet another asian nite... this one on the streets!

I thought we were just going to have a few people with their digital cameras taking some vids, but I saw this professional looking camera mounted on a tripod and I almost freaked! :p I think a lot of people did get a bit self-conscious and 'shy' when they saw the camera and the size of the crowd! I know I did! But hey, I promised Hayden I would rave!

Then there were the drunk antics by quite a few people. There were the football players, trying to breakdance - their version was to try and break an arm or leg or tailbone!! Then there was this guy with his blow up doll.... Hayden was 'forced' to dance with it... I have proof...a video of it!!

Didn't end up taking that many photos - coz I was busy raving ;) Didn't want to let Hayden rave by himself (ie take all the glory himself - j/k :p)

Myself and Hayden Posted by Hello

Anyways Hayden has more pictures on his website. Vids coming soon I think!

Met quite a few people who I'd only 'seen' online there as well:-

Mui Ping, Sui Lin, Ivan, Alli, Jace, Gavin - if I have forgotten anybody else just yell at me! :p
edit:- And Jaclyn! How could I forget!! :)

My pleasure to meet you all! Until the next shuffle in da city...

r4v3r raved till dawn at 10:05 PM 2 comments

Friday, October 15, 2004

Shuffle with us...

Ok, since Hayden wants to turn it into a rave here are the details :p

We're meeting at 8pm, corner of swanston and bourke - out front of Nike shop. We will then go from there.
If you don't know us or don't know what we look like, you'll probably recognise us - we'll be very visible with our phat pants !! :p

Or if you are too shy, please leave your email/details in comments so that I can send you my mobile no. Also if you need a lift, directions etc I may be able to help out ;)

r4v3r raved till dawn at 1:04 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Street Rave

Hayden Oberin has organised a street rave for fun!

Quoting from his email to me:
"its not a secret rave. just me and some friends doing some shuffle in the middle of the city :-)

we gona take down some CDs, a speaker and an amp and just shuffle for the fun of it. get some photos and some video.

i only want to invite people who will actualy shuffle and have no problem with performing in the middle of the city and have everyone look at them. i just want happy people who encorage each other and not give shit or me negative. its just a bit of fun with friends who like to dance. just like break dancers go and practice dance together for fun."
If you're interested in participating, want to know more or find out where it will be leave your email in comments.

Hopefully we'll get enough videos and photos to satisfy your thirst for the "Melbourne Shuffle"!

r4v3r raved till dawn at 11:31 PM 4 comments

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Another raving clip

Well finally got around to uploading another clip from God's Kitchen. It's just a small one. Not to clear though, since it was quite dark inside the main arena!!

Anyways I have a couple more, but I need to reorientate the video (unless you want to watch it at 90 degrees!) Just need to fnid a program to do it! If you know please let me know!

-->"r4v3r_clip_2.wmv" <--(2.54mb)

Right-Click on the above link and click on 'save as' if you don't want to watch the video being streamed.

r4v3r raved till dawn at 1:03 PM 0 comments

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Roses are red, Violets are blue, these tulips are just for you...

Well 'chatting' with a couple of other bloggers (Mui Ping & Jess) about the Tulip Festival, I thought I would post up some pictures from when I went last year. Something for the girls to get all warm and fuzzy about... apart from me that is ;)

Anyways, most of these pictures were taken by me trying to be 'artistic'! Which is another term for me trying to impress a girl ;) Muhahaha j/k!
I apologise for the quality - I had to scan it from original photos.

Anyways enjoy ladies :p Especially if you're not going!

Field of Tulips Posted by Hello

Rows of colourful tulips Posted by Hello

Seeing red?? Posted by Hello

Binh and me Posted by Hello

Red tulips with yellow fringes Posted by Hello

Some sort of blue tulips! Posted by Hello

Looks more like a rose... maybe it is! Posted by Hello

Classic yellow tulip Posted by Hello

Wierd looking one Posted by Hello

Hmmm makes me feel like I'm in Holland! Posted by Hello

r4v3r raved till dawn at 2:49 AM 0 comments

Thursday, October 07, 2004

A possibility arises...

Well a friend informed me that there is something coming up:

Hardware @ The Metro

Looks alright - Hellraiser from Pharmacy is dj'ing. Any takers? :p

Here's the line-up:

Mainstage front and centre. Witness the Wizard alongside Melbourne’s finest techno DJs in a myriad of lighting, sound and visuals..
Jeff Mills (Chicago/Detroit, USA)
Ben Cromack
Phunk De Sonique LIVE
Simon Digby (Wetmusik)
Matt Radovich (MTC)
Dave Pham
Mike Callander
Andrew Marsh

Breaks, beats, electro-pop and anything goes in the Telephunk lounge presented by Scatterfunk, Soundtrack Saga and Lasergun.
Scott Finemore (Soundtrack Saga)
Ruckus (Scatterfunk)
Glitch vs. Quirk (Meccanoid)
Dirty D vs. Able K
Nik Corvo

The Factory posse are back with the harder slamming’ sounds of tech in the upstairs dancehall.
Dee Dee (Teriyakianarkisaki)
Hellraiser (Pharmacy)
Honeysmack LIVEPDT
Scott Alert
Scott Alien vs. Itchy (Virus)
Brother Pierce vs. Toast

r4v3r raved till dawn at 1:11 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Moving on... What's next?

Well now that God's Kitchen is over, what's next? :p

Who's up for Hard Kandy this Friday? Muhahaha!

Think the next 'big' thing is actually SummerDayez... Correct me if I'm wrong??

As you can see I'm not quite ready to hang up my phat pants yet!!

r4v3r raved till dawn at 10:05 PM 1 comments

Monday, October 04, 2004

..::**God's Kitchen**::..

Well what can I say... what everybody else is saying.. it was AwEsOmE!

First off we were so excited we go there waaaay early.. think around 11:00pm! It was lucky we did coz when they started letting people we got stuck in this queue lane (think there were 4 lanes with two entries each) with some powertrippin' security guard who thought it was his kitchen coz he was god, with the power to let people! We were pretty much up the front when suddenly they tells us girls on the left and guys on the right! We squished together like cattle!

Meanwhile me and my friends were watching the other lanes flow. Danny and I ended jumping the queue into another lane which was like express (even though I had a bag) and got in same time as Andrew who was still stuck in the other lane!

Anyways we mainly raved in the Bass Station / Hard Kandy Room. Man that room was small packed and hot... I felt like sardines in a can! More so coz ppl kept rubbing past, leaving their sweat behind :p

John Flemming was good in the GK Main Room, more house than hard. I must say though I have never ever seen so many asians at a rave like this before! Most of the azns were at the back of the Main Room - it was almost like an azn nite! No wonder I couldn't find any of my other friends! ;)

I think the DJ of the 'night' would have to go to Anne Savage - my gawd did she ROCK! Awesome mixes. The Bass Station / Hard Kandy Room was hectic!! Jason Midro is my usual favourite, but gee Anne Savage was wicked!

Enough talking... Here's some pics (got videos as well but no where to upload at the moment). SADLY I didn't take as many pics/videos as I wanted to - was too busy raving and shuffling!!!! :)

Andrew Danny and me pumped and ready to go! Posted by Hello

Andrew and MePosted by Hello

Dan and me with Melbourne Park in background Posted by Hello

GK Main Room Posted by Hello

GK Main Room Posted by Hello

GK Main Room Posted by Hello

GK Main Room Posted by Hello

Hmmmm :) Posted by Hello

Phat raving pants anyone? Posted by Hello

Goddess - DJ Anne Savage in BS/HK Room Posted by Hello

Danny and Me chilling outside Posted by Hello

Dan and Andrew looked drugged!Posted by Hello

r4v3r raved till dawn at 10:31 PM 0 comments

about me

r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

My Photo
Name: Richard Fong
Horoscope: Cancer
Occupation: Lawyer
Born: Kuching, Malaysia
Location: Melbourne, Australia

View my complete profile

Previous Posts


September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
September 2007

My Raving Clips

Warming up for God's Kitchen
Shuffling in GK Main Room


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    * Three of Us *
    * Sui Lin *
    * LoLa *
    * Iris *
    * Di.lir' *
    * Wanna be 'blogged'? *

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    Rave Links

    * Hard Kandy *
    * Hayden Oberin website *
    * Xes's "Melbourne Shuffle" page *
    * In The Mix *
    * Hardstep *
    * Link *

    Original layout by Yiling. Modified by r4v3r