Thursday, March 31, 2005

Two Tribes pictures

Couple of friends, Linda, Caecilia and Me Posted by Hello

Linda and Caecilia Posted by Hello

Caecilia and Me Posted by Hello

Charlene and Me Posted by Hello

Couple of friends, Jian, Me and Mui-Ping Posted by Hello

Ben, Me and Steve Posted by Hello

Linda, friend, Lee Ling, Caecilia and Eva Posted by Hello

Packed Vodafone Arena Posted by Hello

r4v3r raved till dawn at 12:52 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Two Tribes 2005

13 March 2005: Two Tribes @ Tennis Centre-Rod Laver & Vodafone Arena

Myself, Caecilia and Linda turned up around 10.30ish thinking that we were early. We saw a line stretching from the main entrance all the way to Swan St and down Swan St towards Richmond Station.

We were like " that the line? no way... it couldn't be... maybe it's for buying tickets? that long? yah maybe... oh hang on... nup... that's the line to get in! Hmmm let's go up the front and see what's happening... Brad's somewhere here isn't he? or is he inside? oh look... they opened up a new line.. what..? for industry and VIP passes... oh hey! that's us! Sweet!!!"

We were mainly in Godskitchen room (Vodafone Arena). Everywhere was PACKED. I remember coming out to refill the water bottle and saw the line to get back in and I was like whoa.. no way... and queue jumped right up the front. Just so happened a couple of my other friends were there so it worked out great :)

Anyways, Two tribes was ok... not what it used to be. Perhaps I am living in the past, and this is the new change and next evolution of raves. My Two Tribes review:

  • Commercialised.
  • Crowded.
  • Subdued.
  • Occassional flashes of brilliance.
  • Dampened by mediocrity.
  • Lack of Inspiration.
Was it just me? *ponder*

Perhaps my preconceptions and expectations were set at too high a bar, that the actual reality was in fact much lower? Despite this my urge and need for some good shuffling was not stifled.

I still enjoyed myself, surrounded by my friends (Caecilia, Linda, Brad, Ben, Steven not to mention Tammy, Eva, Amanda, Luke, Tat Ghee, Lee Ling, Lawrence and others) when they were around and down to earth... =P

Shoutouts to all my other friends who I bumped into on the dance floor! Jian, Mui Ping, Iris, Elaine, Charlene, Zoul and numerous other new people I was introduced to, but forgot your names! :)

"Funny" Memorable Moments:

  • Linda stabbing herself repeatedly in the mouth with her the remnants of her chewed up, mangled chuppa chup stick (cherry flavoured i believe);
  • Caecilia chewing off a bit of her tongue whilst chewing her gum... chewing gum that is... uhhh get it...? hehhee;
  • Tammy's shocked expression when she found out I was clean;
  • The usual 'muscle' dance by steriod-pumping, love-myself, topless guys;
  • The usual assortment of weird people assuming I'm wheelin' n dealin';

Hmmm feel free to post in my comments any other funny moments! :)

I'll post up some photos shortly :)

r4v3r raved till dawn at 1:30 PM 1 comments

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Upcoming event: Two Tribes

Woohoo... Two Tribes... *drool* hehe :)
I haven't been to Two Tribes in so long... like last year!

Looking forward to it. Got VIP tix this time too.
Drop me a line if you're going and wanna hook up for a shuffle! :)

Only minor setback is I found that Infected Mushroom is also on the same night!
Oh well... still a rave :)

r4v3r raved till dawn at 1:04 PM 0 comments

about me

r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

My Photo
Name: Richard Fong
Horoscope: Cancer
Occupation: Lawyer
Born: Kuching, Malaysia
Location: Melbourne, Australia

View my complete profile

Previous Posts


September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
September 2007

My Raving Clips

Warming up for God's Kitchen
Shuffling in GK Main Room


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