Friday, January 07, 2005

Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year!

Well, it has been so long since I've blogged I think I've forgotten how, and more importantly what has happened since then! (yes, yes i blame the alcohol!). People have gone back home, some for good, some for holidays.

Someone told me to update, so here I am! Hehe you know who you are! :)

Happy New Year Everyone! Love you all (some more than most ;) hehehe)

Anyways I'll just do some highlights in the last month or so:

10 December 2004: Street Shuffle #2
Dan and I were heading into the city for the Street Shuffle, when Caecelia called up. To the background noise of thumping bass she said 'Listen to this!'. I was like 'Yah? So? Good stuff right?' and she said "But... but... it's out on the street!". I said "Yah I know. Dan and I are going there right now. It's a street shuffle!" and she said "Serious?? I was trying to get you jealous!"
Lol... nice one CC!

Anyways when we got there, I couldn't believe the size of the crowd that had already gathered. There were people in phatties everywhere! The Shuffling DVD people were there again, filming everything and as an extra, they got Hayden to interview people about raving. I was the first guinea pig so bear that in mind if they ever put me in it! :p

Great atmosphere, Good music, Fantastic people, Awesome fun!

Highlight of the night would have to go to the guy who jumped on top of the advertising trailer for random drug testing and started raving!!! Hehehe.

26 December 2004: Hard Kandy @ Billboard
The most anticipated and talked about event for weeks! I must say, that Billboards was and always will be the best place for Hard Kandy. Apparently 1000 tickets were pre-sold. So I turned up with Caecelia (who's friend had a ticket for her) extra early on Hayden's advice so that I could buy a ticket at the door. There was already a line stretching to the traffic light at 11.00pm!

There were boring moments (for me), but the moments of brilliance and energy were when the tracks were hard and fast! Hardcore stuff! Goooooooood sheeeeeeeeeet!!!! :) Hehehe.

At about 3.30 I spotted a familiar face in the crowd - Dan (who has retired from raving so he says and wasn't going tonight) has turned up... all by himself! Apparently he was waiting outside for 2 hours before they let anybody else in! He was at the end of the line as well! It was all justified though, as we looked at each other and said "Gooooood sheeeeeet!!!" and raved to the hardcore stuff.

Been a while since I've raved like that. Out of breath, sweat glistenning, virtually doubled over from the pain of exhaustion! Well worth it!!

31 December 2004: New Years Eve @ Chicane
Shaun had to work until 10.00pm so I collected Sue from home and drove to Caecelia's place. Then Sam, Sue, Caecelia and I walked to the train station. When the train arrived it was PACKED. Everybody looked like sardines in a can. We gave up. Taxi into the city only cost us about $15.00 anyway.

Place was actually dead when we got there which was about 11.00pm. It got more crowded closer to the countdown, and then some time after that (due to alcohol induced memory gap) the place was packed! Think most people were outside looking at fireworks and stuff, then went to clubs. All in all each of us spent around $150.00, which isn't much considering our 'usual' costs around $100.00!! Hehehe.

All in all a good night to say bye to 2004 and welcome 2005!

r4v3r raved till dawn at 2:36 PM 0 comments

about me

r4v3r doing the Melbourne Shuffle

My Photo
Name: Richard Fong
Horoscope: Cancer
Occupation: Lawyer
Born: Kuching, Malaysia
Location: Melbourne, Australia

View my complete profile

Previous Posts


September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
September 2007

My Raving Clips

Warming up for God's Kitchen
Shuffling in GK Main Room


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